Another Misheard Lyric: Obama What…?

It’s not unusual for me to misunderstand the lyrics of songs. I once thought “It’s too late to apologize” was “it’s too late to throw in chives”

 and I thought that Charlie Puth was singing “you keep running around running around with a turtle on your knee,” 

which doesn’t make a lot of sense, but makes about as much sense as the Beatles singing “The girl with colitis goes by” in “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.” (Before you write, I know that’s not what they’re saying. They’re singing “The grill with kaleidoscope pies.”) 

This, however, is the first time I’ve misheard the name of an entire song. Granted, I first heard it as a song lyric, but I knew “My Mom hates Obama” and a few other references to the former president did seem a little out of place this far into the Trump administration and hardly seemed the thing a rapper would be talking about now, but the singer was so insistent. In one case, he sings, 

F@#$ you and you and you, 

Your momma called Obama, 

turn it up and throw a tantrum….

Well, okay, maybe it does make sense, I don’t know. 

It turns out the song’s name is “Hot Girl Bummer.” 

(Warning: As you can tell from the above quote, the song features R-rated words. In fact, it starts with one of them.)

Wow, I really must be getting old if I misheard it that badly. 

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to switch the radio to the 1980s station so I can listen to “Ring My Bell” and immediately pull over when I hear a siren coming. 

That is all. 

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