The Great Tefillin Ambush

Fortunately, there were only a few victims of the Great Tefillin Ambush of 1996. I am one of them.

Have you ever arrived in a city and smelled a smell so delicious that you spend the better part of a morning going from bakery to bakery trying baked goods in an attempt to discover the source? Well, I have and the hunt leads me to meet a real, live communist, a Baltic beach and ends with me leading myself and innocent victim into a refilling ambush in a chapter I call “Scenes From a Latvian Living Room And Other Tales of Jewish Geography.”

Let’s Talk Plagues (Donald Trump Edition)

Although Donald Trump claimed the Coronavirus was “a gift from God,” an argument could be made that the heavens sent him a message by smiting him with the coronavirus only to have him be too stupid to realize he had been smote. This could well mean (gasp) that his heart has been hardened and plagues are sure to follow. The only problem is, the old biblical ones may not be all that effective or impressive any more. In this age of branding, the almighty may have to update its act. After all, what do you get for a guy who embodies all of the seven deadly sins? (In case you were wondering, they are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride, which pretty much describes the average Monday in the Trump administration.)

Here are a few particular attention-getters for this very particular demographic.

The Fly.

And we all know what flies are attracted to….

It may not seem like much. Just a harmless, inconsequential little fly, but when it lands on the head of hid second in command and he doesn’t react, it makes him, and The Donald, look ridiculous. And softens him up for the rest.

The Sick.

Donald Trump hates the great unwashed masses (of losers and suckers) so having to hold events where lines will be long and each person will insist on touching him because of the miracle of his recovery from Covid-19 will set his teeth on edge and make his stomach pucker.


An oldie, but a goodie. Given how much of a germaphobe Donnie is, this will likely disgust him enough to send a message. Unfortunately, he won’t be able to see it as a result of having looked directly at that eclipse a few years back.

Poor Poll Results.

No matter what he does, each day will bring a drop in his poll ratings. It won’t be a HUGE drop all at once. Instead, it will be a slow, steady undeniable drip that drives him bat shit crazy.


A steady flow of leaks about all the truly terrible things he’s said and done that we always suspected, but now have had confirmed. It’s not enough for his dwindling base to leave him, just those who have a drop of decency left.


Everyone already knows he has a combover, but suddenly even his patented coif will no longer tenable when his hair inexplicably falls out over night, perhaps as a freak side-effect of taking Regeneron.


After years of cluelessness about what an ass he’s been, he suddenly gains an understanding of how big a jerk he is, but is powerless to change it because the almighty has hardened his heart (if he has one).

The Taxman Returneth

The New York Times stories about his taxes through 2018 were bad, but this one would be worse because it reveals he is a broke-ass zdlub who is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Putin Inc.


The realization that he’s mucked things up so badly that his name has become a punchline. It’s a term of derision, an insult. But mostly the name just makes them laugh because they realize what a low energy sucker and loser he is. A real low IQ person.

The Death Of His Pride And Joy.

Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

No, we’re not talking about Ivanka or any of his children. As if. Instead, it’s the sudden collapse of Trump Tower. One minute it’s there. The next, it’s gone. Perhaps it’s due to shoddy workmanship, a sudden inexplicable sinkhole opening up in the middle of Manhattan or sabotage by the Central Park Five or contractors he’s stiffed over the years.

The Tragical History Tour Starts Now

As I’ve mentioned on Facebook, I’m still trying to find a way to get a pulldown menu that will allow me to provide easy access to chapters in the second book in the two part Fresh American Bananas saga. Until I get there, I’ll be posting links to a chapter or two each day until I’m done, which should be right before the day of the election. Read them now and laugh as much as you can because things could get serious right after that.

In today’s installment, the Trans-Siberian trip starts with drinking, money troubles at the border, almost getting left behind by the train and a re-enactment of Monty Python’s Cheese Shop sketch in the Russian dining car in a chapter I modestly call “Tales of Travel Intrigue From The Trans-Siberian.”

Has The US Jumped The Shark And Is It Time to Bring In Cousin Oliver (And Ted McGinley)

TV lovers of a certain age will probably remember how the phrase “jumping the shark” became a cultural touchstone. It was in the late years of the show “Happy Days” when the series had gotten, shall we say, “Not So Fresh” and ratings were sagging. So, the writers decided to do a multi-part episode where one of the main characters, Arthur “The Fonz” Fonzarelli jumps over a shark on water skis. It resulted in a temporary bump in ratings, but it was a slow slide into obscurity from there. The show didn’t die right away, however. Instead, it was a slow, lingering death.

Looking around now, I’m forced to ask if we have done the same. 

After eight years of relatively little political trauma and mostly competent running of the country by one of the smartest, most eloquent presidents we’ve ever had and almost no political scandals, did we look around and say to ourselves, “Well that was boring. Why don’t we spice things up a little to get ratings, damn the cost?” 

The Tan Suit–One Of The Biggest Scandals Out Of The Obama Administration.

Cue the cameras and bring in the adult equivalent of Cousin Oliver or Ted McGinley, the man the networks always bring in when a series is flagging. I’ve always been puzzled why shows like “The Brady Bunch” feel the need to freshen things up by introducing a character like a never-before-mentioned, but suddenly-discovered Cousin Oliver. Or finding some way to work pretty boy Ted McGinley into the script. Perhaps the execs think it’s a way of telling the fans, “We hear you’re bored with the show. We get it. Let’s spice things up with a new character. Instead, the message we fans get is “This show is on its last legs. Lets see how we can hasten its demise.”

Don’t believe me? McGinley was on the last season of “Love Boat,” “Happy Days,” “Dynasty,” “Perfect Strangers” and, my favorite, “Sports Night” to name only a few before all were ignominiously cancelled.

Exciting and new to every sit-com he touched, before he ended up killing it.

I’m perfectly convinced these shows could have bumped along for a few more years before something more interesting was found to replace it, but, no, network execs wanted some excitement. Just like the voters in 2016.

Admittedly, Hillary Clinton was not the second coming of Camelot. Instead, she was more like Fonzie’s love interest, Pinky Tuscadero, who had been introduced seasons before.

Pinky Tuscadero For President

Think about that for a minute. We could have been run by the political equivalent of Pinky Tuscadero, a TV girlfriend so cool she was already a successful mechanic on her own, was known for her motorcycle riding tricks and her pink outfits, but still deigned to date The Fonz in much the same way that Hillary opted to stay with the apparently cool president when she could have easily gone out on her own and done just fine, thank you. She may not have been a stunt rider, but Clinton had her own trademark look as well. Unfortunately, Pinky Tuscadero was written out of the show in much the same way that Hillary was written out of our future.

Instead, we elected McGinley, a vacuous, sort of good-looking guy (if you’re into that well-dressed, preppyish, conceited, airhead look) who has no idea what happened in the show’s previous episodes, really doesn’t seem to care, thinks he’s brought in to shake things up and make the series great again when all he is really doing is hastening the show’s demise by being a plot distraction. It’s almost as if the producers knew that the series was failing, but rather than go out on top of the game and let other, better, funnier shows take over, they decided to go one more round so they could make all the money they could with an inferior product that makes everyone turn away in embarrassment hoping it will just end already.

Until someone has the guts to say something and pull the plug, however, it not only robs the organization (country) of its prestige, it milks it of as much money as it can so that its treasury…er…coffers will be dry when it finally ends.

Just like Trump and today’s Republicans. Trump started as a TV cultural juggernaut and, as a presidential candidate, he made the news, got all the good lines and bumped up ratings for a while, but only because people like a spectacle.

Ted McGinley wanna-be for president.

Now, however, he’s not only taking the series down with him, he’s lost so many sponsors and allies that he’s threatening to take the whole network/country with him.

It’s so bad that not even Cousin Oliver and Ted McGinley can save us.

Of course, when things get this bad, there’s one thing that might be able to bring back viewers (voters), but it’s a big gamble.

I call it the Roseanne Gambit. 

Roseannne Barr, graduate of the Stephen Miller School of Diplomacy and Human Relations.

I know it may be hard to remember back that far, but comedian Roseanne Barr’s career was on a comeback with a follow-up to her popular TV show from the 1980s, “Roseanne” (what an original title. I wonder who thought it up.) when a racist tweet about a member of President Barack Obama’s administration made her so toxic that her show was cancelled just as it was gaining ground. So, she did the only thing she could to save the show and the cast members who she deeply cared for — she quit.

I admit, it’s tough to rewrite a series when the show is named after you. In ABC’s case, it was quickly renamed “The Conners” and they wrote her out of the script saying she had died from an opioid overdose.

In Donald Trump’s case, I’m not suggesting a story change quite so radical as that. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying he shouldn’t resign. I’m just saying that the cover story should be a little less drastic — maybe the writers say he decided he wanted to go back to his acting career, that he contracted the coronavirus and needed to convalesce at Mar-A-Lago or he wanted to spend more time with his family (because, lord knows, we sure would love it if he spent more time with them so we don’t have to).

Or that he went to prison.

From Harper’s Lips to God’s Ears

As for the replacement series, there’d definitely be a need for a change in casting. For good or ill, “Schitt’s Creek” already has the market cornered on shows about rich families falling on hard times and its characters are far more sympathetic than, say, Don Jr., Erik or Ivanka.

Even these overblown comedic caricatures are more sympathetic than the Trumps.

Given the success of the spin-off of “The Conners,” I would go with something that shows our commitment to people from other cultures, but still gives us an idea of who the main character is. Maybe someone who is already in the cast in a background role, but would be even more interesting. And it couldn’t hurt if it wasn’t some WASP-y sounding name like “Smith” or “Jones.”

I’ve got it. How about calling it “The Pelosi’s”?

The Pelosi’s: A Trump Summer Replacement Series We’d All Look Forward To.

My New Normal

There are those out there who long for life to go back to the way it was. You know, the good old days. When young immigrant kids were in detention centers, when bigots roamed the streets freely unchallenged and the it was okay for people to excuse the behavior of a man molesting a woman by saying, “Boys will be boys.”

As I said, the good old days. 

Although I don’t believe things will go back to the way they were — they’ll either be slightly better or much, much worse — I’ll know we’ve regained our footing when I can start making fun of the casino circuit again. 

For the uninitiated, my poking fun at the casino concert circuit is an annual ritual not only because it shows me how out of step my tastes in music really are, it also shows how the mighty have fallen from their glory days. 

That’s because the casino circuit is essentially an employment program for acts that were once great but haven’t kept up with the times (you know, bands like Styx

and Loverboy).

It’s a step up from the state fair circuit because it’s inside and air-conditioned. 

Anyhoo, about this time every year, I gloat or lament the latest C-listers to hit the circuit. 

I have taken great glee seeing bands like Air Supply,


and Rick Springfield

and bemoaned the appearance of Box Scaggs,

Aaron Neville

and (sniff sniff)

The Little River Band. 

But now, there’s nobody to make fun of. Not only do I not hear the radio ads announcing the shows, But I actually have to go to the casino websites themselves to get the news. 

For example, the only thing on the Emerald Queen Casino in Auburn’s calendar is that your EQC Card gets you four times the points Monday through Thursday. Catchy tune, but you can’t dance to it. The TULALIP Casino has no featured events and even the Swinomish Casino and Lodge out in Anacortes has 2X Monday and Neighbors Appreciation events only scheduled through at least November, leaving me nothing to write about. 

It’s not that I’d go to one of these shows, mind you, unless it featured the supergroup that was created when Men At Work and Men Without Hats combined forces. It’s called Men Without Jobs, now there’s a show I’d pay to see. 

So, yes, people will know that things may not be quite the way they were, but at least they’ll have returned to some semblance of normal when they can go out to eat, go to a party, hug friends or go to big summer festivals again. 

But not me. 

I’ll know they’re back to normal when I can scoff at the latest bands to get their tickets on the ride to Palookaville that is the casino circuit.

And I can’t wait. 

I’m Not Going To Buy Your Book, Johnny

I may not remember the name of the book, but I remember the scene well enough. A group of teens are fighting a vampire and the only adult who believes them, a washed up priest, comes face to face with the creature. 

When the priest tells the vampire that god is stronger than he is, the bat-man challenges him to a faith-off. If the clergy man is so sure of god’s power he should be willing to throw away the cross and face him down. The priest knows he should drop the icon, but is afraid to do so. The longer he holds it, the more the light coming from the cross fades until it is useless against the creature of the night. 

So it is with John Bolton. 

He said he was a patriot, he said he believed in America and whatever it was he saw as the American Way, but when it came time to prove it and testify against Donald Trump in the House of Representatives, he was a chickenshit and either decided to hide between a questionable legal technicality or the desire to make money from a soon-to-be-published book. Instead, lie the blustery, weak leader he is, he chose to let is underlings stick their neck out, defy Trump’s orders and testify before Congress while he sat on the sidelines counting the money he thought he’d make. 

Oh, sure, when the impeachment inquiry moved to the Senate as a formal impeachment proceeding, he was willing to testify. Sure, he knew that the Republicans had already rigged the game and wouldn’t allow him to do so, but it made him look good. 

And now, four months later, after thousands have died from Trump’s mismanagement of the coronavirus and people are protesting annd occasionally rioting inn the streets, Bolton says Congress souled have widened its impeachment inquiry. 

Stories about his new book also report that his book also says—

—Trump hoped to serve more than two terms. 

—Trump asked China to help him get re-elected. 

—Trump offered despots in other countries favors. 

—Trump thought Finland was part of Russia. 

—Trump thought it would be cool to invade Venezuela. 

It’s nice that these revelations are coming out now in the months before the election annd all. And it’s great that Trump’s effort to stop publication kept his allegations in the news and I’m happy to benefit from all that, BUT…

I’m not going to buy your book Johnny and I urge other Americans not to, either, because you chose money over country. Instead of saving us from a man who is killing us and killing our prestige abroad, he chose to wait until his book came out so he might make the best seller list. 

I’ve got news for you, Johnny, I am so unimpressed that I won’t even check your book out of the library when it opens again so that you won’t even get credit for that because you didn’t have the courage of your convictions, John. (Now that people have begun distributing free copies, I may consider reading it because it’s the ultimate revenge against someone who writes for money—reading what they wrote and not paying for it.

No, Johnny, I won’t buy your book. Now, if former Ambassador Marie Yovanovich, NSC expert Fiona Hill, Bill Taylor, Alex Vindman or even that fop Gordon Sondland wrote a book, I would sooner pay full price no matter how bad their books turn out than I would spend a cent on your too-little, too-late memoir. 

May your garage be filled with boxes of unsold books and the rest be sent to Half Price Books where they go right to the dollar rack.

—From A Man Who Isn’t Opening His Wallet For The Likes Of You